Between school, work, and animation (especially school) i've been stupid busy and unable to post anything new other than live work. Since i'm on my spring break I took the time to get some personal stuff done! This has been pretty much finished for a few months now, it just needed the finishing touches, which I gave it today! YAY!! These are most of my artist friends that i've worked with over the last 4 years! they are *from left to right, and goin down*: Jeremy Russnak, Jeff Meyer, Ed Georgian, Lyndell Rankins, YaboyBigSam in the middle, Gabriel Rybicki, Damion Dunn, Chris Meesey, and last but not least Anthony Diecedue! These were alot of fun to complete with the color pencils! I feel i've improved with them pretty quickly since I haven't used them very much! I hope you all enjoy! Time to get back to animating, and school, and new art! How exciting! Have a good one everybody! Comments please!
I've said it before, but I love your colored pencil work. I really dig the brain headed guy, probably because of my wrinkle affinity!
Escellent in pencil too, you make my head hurt, in a good way :-)
absolutely top notch! Seriously, that's awesome stuff. I agree about the "brain headed guy", great rendering.
Wow man, too good!
These are amazing. I'm in awe.
Great drawings Sam!
Beautiful work, Sir.
Dude... DUDE! So sick! Great stuff broseph!!!
Indeed, you are stong with the artisticness sickness!
Amazing!! I'm not going to ask how long it took you.
As everyone has said, these are amazing! More stuff like this.
Very cool Sam, I love your style!! It's a very unique and cool style!!Unbelievable that these caricatures are done with pencil!!
Thank you to all of you! I truely appreciate the love! As mr. Wahl requested, more will be coming! You Guys rock!
You've captured all of us in our likeness, uniqueness, and personality. And still managed to tack on your perception of our style, that's just....incredible.
sam is awesome
I love your blog.
Go on mine, & put a link in comments, I'll may make an article about your blog ! :)
Super stuff Sam...I'm sure Prismacolor would love to use those as examples!!!
Who is the guy in the center on the bottom? I'm trying to find out the name of the person who did a drawing for us this past weekend at Universal and that looks like him.
I should have added that we like it so much that I want to see if I can get him to do a few more while using pics of friends/family
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