Sorry for my absence ya'll! I've been super busy gettin my stuff together and looking for a animation gig.And since I haven't been around I got a caricature peace of three of universal work mates and friends! Hope ya'll like it!
I come to you today with my recently updated and finished Character Animation Reel! Enjoy!
New Work for ya'll patient poeple! Haven't done a pencil portrait in some years so its not as clean as it should be! Shame on me i know! Hope ya'll enjoy anyways!
Did a version of this in photoshop that was less than acceptible to say the least! I took another crack at it and I like this one way better! I can't wait to learn photoshop better! Enjoy people!
I was pretty excited planning this one out! I've never been able to draw Piccolo successfully in the past, so I was just happy to have any kind of success with him. The photoshop painting took me waaaaaaay longer than i'd like to admit, but it came out good considering my lack of knowledge with the program! Hope you all enjoy! Got way more comin soon!
This year i'm gettin it in wit the Dragonball mane! This is my first real attempt with photoshop coloring! Nothing great i know. But hey, ya gotta learn sometime eh! I'm pretty happy with my version of krillin. Look forward to seein more!
Lets get 2011 started! This is a portrait done for one of my best friends! His Grandfather passed recently so he asked me to do this for him! I learned alot during the working of this piece! the next time I attempt some like this i'll be more prepared! Enjoy folks!