Monday, June 29, 2009

Sketch# 10: Aliens are Cool!

Thought I'd switch it up a bit! I made this thing up awhile ago, but have been trying to get it right! enjoy people!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Sketch# 9: R.I.P Michael Jackson!

It was a sad day this past June 25. The man, the legend, the king of pop has died. Even though I knew when the rest of the world did, it didn't really hit me until today. I give you this quick sketch of the man in remembrance. God Bless ya'll

Monday, June 22, 2009

sketch#8: A Golden Oppertunity

More of my fave things to draw, shapely women! Really i'm just trying to really get the female anatomy down pat at least to the level I am with the male anatomy. Enjoy more coming very soon!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sketch#7: Light Tone Thickness

One of my favorite female sketches! I Love adding the lighter tones man! She's pretty much perfect... granted I think alot of different looks of woman are perfect. I guess that makes my last statement mean less! ... Oh well... Enjoy!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I Made Stuff Move!

Ladies and gentleman, I present to you some animation from yours truly! I went into the semester late and didn't start any projects before hand like I did the last semester. For this reason there will only be two pieces in my reel for this semester! Sad, I know, but I still have till August to apply to companies for the fall, so I'll spent that time bustin my ass and making more and better material... to the best of my ability anyways! LOL! Nah, I'll get it done! Hope you guys like this! I'll be posting my reel on Monday for my class presentation. Then you will see both pieces! See ya later!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sketch# 6: Mo Thick Baby!

Ya'll already know what it is! Older sketch revisited. I wasnt' gonna post this, but then decided why not! enjoy!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Live Caricatures at Last!

I got a new camera so I was able to take pics of my live caricatures again! YEAH! Some are weaker than others but ain't that how the game goes? The top one is by far the strongest and cleanest in my opinion, but hey, i'd like to know yours! Enjoy ya'll, and as always there is more to come!

Monday, June 1, 2009


This is my manager, Armando's son. He showed me a photo and I had to do it!